Friday, November 14, 2008

How can ED be best treated?

Just like any other medical condition, erectile dysfunction (ED) is best treated swiftly. The sooner it is identified and treated, the better the end result, and that's because of these reasons:

First, identifying and treating the root problem will assist in preventing further degradation, a habitual progression of the condition. There is no long-term advantage of treating only the symptoms of ED.

Second, the lack of using an organ can spur escalating loss of function via escalating loss of healthy tissue. This condition is called “disuse atrophy” and is especially important in the case of penile health, as delineated in the following.

The penile tissue remains healthy, supple and functional only with a constant and healthy supply of oxygenated blood, which comes about only with regular episodes of erections. Therefore, an absence of erections, for whatever reason, can result in progressive loss of healthy penile tissue, leading to progressive loss of function. Once irreversible damage has occurred, treatment options may become more limited or unsuccessful. Therefore, the earlier ED treatment is sought, the better the opportunity for an effective treatment plan to restore healthy blood flow to the penis.

Third, ED is a great deal more than simply being a sexual problem. A gratifying sex life can lead to increased satisfaction in a variety of other aspects of life in general, especially social, family and work environments.

Lastly, a healthy sex life can add to your complete well-being and good health.

Studies show that couples with a healthy and active sex life are not just affected less by problems such as depression, anxiety, hypertension, diabetes, ulcers, chronic fatigue, viral illness and various other conditions, but may very well have a longer, extended life expectancy. *

*The Healing Power of Sex, Judith Sachs, 1997

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